Ban Appeal

We strive to provide a fun and fair gaming experience for all our members. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy against cheating and abusive behavior. The account holder (Discord, game server, etc.) is responsible for any infraction on their account. Penalties are applied no matter who was using it at the time. If you believe that you were banned in error, or that you were not in violation of the rule(s) cited as the reason for your ban, you should complete this form.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
The name you go by in the Discord, Game Server, Community, etc.
The nickname we would use if we tried adding you as a friend on Discord
The email address we will use to contact you with questions, the results of our investigation, etc.
Where were you banned?
Select all that apply. If applicable, specify the exact game server in your narrative.
Provide a Ban ID if provided. This will make it easier for our admins to locate your specific ban.
To your understanding, explain to us why you believe you were banned.
Explain your side of the story. Who, what, where, why, when, and how.
If you believe you were wrongfully banned, explain why here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Why should we unban you and what do you think you could've done differently to have avoided this ban?

A member of the Headquarters Division will review this appeal and perform an investigation into the incident in question. We will provide you with the status of your appeal via email after our investigation is complete. We will not respond to multiple submissions or appeals sent through other channels. Decisions made as part of the appeals process are considered final.